I am passionate about supporting people to find a way to come into relationship with themselves and their direct experience in each moment.   We are born wired for connection and we deserve to know the experience of feeling loved and worthy. It is our birthright.

I have a deep reverence for the fragility of being human, and belief in our capacity to move towards a healing experience. The way I work is collaborative and will encourage you to discover and trust your innate wisdom and facilitate more resilience, authenticity and emotional regulation. We will get curious about your own inner strengths and resources and how you can nourish and regulate yourself emotionally, alone or in the company of others. I am very mindful of the nervous system (yours and mine), and offer tools to help you learn how regulate your nervous system through self regulation and self soothing. I am also acutely aware of co-regulation and how that impacts us and at times, it can be experienced as a missing experience.

My focus is to evoke a deep awareness that allows insights to arise that help you honour your vulnerability and perhaps find new ways to approach difficulties/challenges. I will support you to discover past imprints and hurts that have hindered you. I will work with you to enable you to engage more fully with your present moment experience.

I deeply revere the therapeutic relationship and have no desire or need to “fix” you. Our work together is collaborative. It is compassionate, kind and respectful, thus creating a safe and sacred space for you to be witnessed, seen and heard.

My hope is that as we build enough trust, resilience and inner resources, we can slowly start to explore the painful places that lie within. We will explore the parts we “don’t like” about ourselves, the parts we want to “get rid of” and the parts we like about ourselves. In my sessions I bring a sense of being curious and playful with the exploration of how we can repair our relationship with the different parts (characters) of ourselves, and how to accept who we are and how we show up in the world. 

Couples Work

Working with couples is an intimate and tender process and like individual work, it is collaborative. Together we will explore the strengths and resources that already exist between two of you. I will help you get curious about how you can improve your communication skills and how your existing dynamics play out in your relationship. We will gently enquire into how you get hurt, how you protect yourself, how you express your vulnerability and how is it heard by your partner? What is the glue that holds you together? What is the ouch? Is it possible to lean towards each other and what would that involve? How do you do conflict and does repair arise and if so what does it involve?

We will look at the polarity of the masculine and feminine and how this is held within you as an individual, and how it interweaves through the relationship. Is it possible to re-ignite the desire, the erotic, pleasure, play, excitement, mystery, adventure and unknown of the relationship. We will explore healthy sexuality as an individual and within the relationship, and what that means for you, your partner and your relationship. This will be done with a lot of permission and curiosity and within in a very safe and respectful space. I blend many skills together including evidence based therapies like Hakomi, Gestalt, neuroscience, attachment theory, somatic practises, trauma informed training, sexuality, experiential excrecises and mindfulness. This work is subtle, extremely relational and direct. It is both challenging and rewarding and has deep reverence for both the individual and the couple. My hope is that the work we do together will be insightful, supportive, powerful and transforming for you both individually and as a couple. I draw deeply, profoundly and with much gratitude for their wisdom, on the work of Esther Perel, Thomas Hubl, Terry Real, Manuela Mishke-Reeds and Rob Fisher, Emily Nagoski, MissJaiyia and Ellyn Bader.

At my private practice in Mullumbimby I offer therapy sessions for couples and individuals infusing Hakomi, Gestalt, neuroscience, attachment theory and trauma informed psychotherapy. Each session is specifically tailored for the couple or individual.

I am committed to regular and consistent supervision and my own personal therapy sessions and always take time out to deeply enquire and contemplate my own inner landscape.

I am available for Zoom sessions.

I am a certified member of Pacfa


Anxiety and Depression

Grief and loss

Early childhood trauma and trauma related issues

Core beliefs

Life challenges and stress 

Creating healthy boundaries

Worthiness, self love, self care and self regulation/co-regulation

Issues around belonging and authenticity

Relationships, healthy communication and conscious relating

Infidelity and affairs; how to recover and heal post affair

How to be an individual and also differentiate within the relationship

Healthy sexuality and any issues relating to sexuality

Grief and trauma related to the environmental crisis

I dont work with active addiction or eating disorders.